Vitamin A is required for good eye function.
The result shows that innutrition rate arid adiposity rate of CSU students are 19.9% and 26.3%, and prandial protein, fat, carbohydrate and vitamin A, B2.
Carrots are rich in vitamin A.
Another kind of treatment involves retinoids, which are compounds related to vitamin A.
They have betacarotene, which is an important part of the vitamin A pathway.
它们含有β胡萝卜,这生 A 途径的重要组成部分。
Butter also has some essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A and E.
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, you need fat to absorb and assimilate it properly.
生 A 一种脂溶性生,需要油脂的帮助能被人体正常吸收。
The main nutrients that are recommended are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutetium, and zeaxanthin.
推荐的主要营生 A、生 C、生 E、氚和玉米黄质。
Carotenoids like beta-carotene have their own functions other than just conversion to Vitamin A.
β-胡萝卜之类的类胡萝卜除了能转化生 A 以外还有其它功能。
Milk is nutritious, it contains vitamins A and D as well as protein and isn't full of calories.
Dandelions are a great source of vitamin K and also are a good source of vitamins A and C.
But you wouldn't want to rely on the provitamin beta-carotene to meet your Vitamin A requirements.
但你不能指望β-胡萝卜来满足人体对生 A 的需求。
B. They are high in vitamin A.
B. 它们富含生 A。
Stuff like amino acids, vitamins, a few minerals.
Too much vitamin A can be harmful in pregnancy.
过多的生 A 在怀孕期间可能有害。
But for someone high in vitamin A, juicing could be disastrous.
但对于生 A 含量高的人来说,榨汁可能灾难性的。
500,000 children go blind every year because of lack of Vitamin A.
每年有 50 万儿童缺乏生 A 而失明。
Yeah, vitamin A and C, but no K.
没错 生" A" 和" C" 但没有" K" 那就你妈妈什么生病。
These include use of vitamin A supplements in treatment and detailed suggestions for treating babies under the age of six months.
High in vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium, sweet potatoes can add fiber and other nutrients to a warm winter meal.
薯富含生 A、生 C 和钾元,可以温暖的冬季膳食增添纤和其他营。
In addition, orange juice also has vitamin A, which helps protect the heart.
此外, 橙汁还含有生A,有助于保护心脏。
Vitamin A is found in liver and green vegetables.
【vegetable】动物肝脏和绿色蔬菜中含有生 A。